21 research outputs found

    Kostnadskartlegging av fylkeskommunale fagskoler

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    På oppdrag fra Kunnskapsdepartementet har Deloitte og NIFU kartlagt kostnadene i de fylkeskommunale fagskolene. Hensikten har vært å skaffe oversikt over fylkeskommunenes samlede kostnader til fagskoler, hvordan kostnadene fordeler seg på ulike utdanninger og hva som forklarer kostnadsvariasjon. Kartleggingen er gjort med sikte på å skaffe til veie et faktagrunnlag for et nytt incentivbasert finansieringssystem

    Fritt skolevalg? En gjennomgang av relevant forskning (høringsnotat)

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    Fritt skolevalg kan motiveres ved at det er forskjeller mellom både skoler og elever og at elevene selv er de beste til å vurdere hvor de vil passe inn. En beslektet motivasjon er at det kan være positivt for ressurssvake områder at elever som bor der kan skal kunne velge bort lokalskolen, som særlig i internasjonal sammenheng også er ressurssvak. En siste motivasjon er at fritt skolevalg fører til konkurranse blant skoler og elever som kan føre til økt skolekvalitet og bedre elevprestasjoner. Motargumentene er at fritt skolevalg gjør at noen står friere til å velge enn andre og at dette kan ha uheldige konsekvenser for elever, skoler og nærmiljø. Når man skal vurdere effekten av fritt skolevalg er det aktuelt å se på hvordan det påvirker prestasjoner og gjennomføring, grad av segregering og andre mulige utfall

    Jack-of-all-subjects? The association between individual grade variance and educational attainment

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    This paper uses detailed register information on students in lower secondary school in Norway to study the importance of the second moment of individual grade distribution: grade variance. Students receive discrete-value grades from 1 to 6 in the same 13 subjects, and the grade point average (GPA) is used to determine entrance into upper secondary school. This leads to a limited number of possible GPA values and the within-GPA-value variation in grades is used to investigate the association between grade variance and educational attainment. Grade variance is found to be negatively associated with educational attainment across the grade distribution and for both genders. US data confirm this finding. Results suggests that being a generalist with similar skills across subjects predicts educational attainment and that educational institutions may benefit from considering more than just grade point average when making admission decisions

    Age as a merit in admission decisions for higher education

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    This paper uses register data to study how a particular age reward feature affects admission into two highly competitive study programs: medicine and law. The Norwegian admission system to higher education is centralized, and applicants compete in two quotas: one quota almost entirely based on grade point average from upper secondary education and one quota where students can compete with improved grades and where being older automatically increases the chance of acceptance, by awarding age points. For these study programs, we find that the admission system creates a waiting game, as gaining admission in the second quota is nearly impossible without accumulating a substantial amount of age points. If age predicts completion in higher education, this waiting game might be justified. However, if anything, we find the opposite to be true. Our paper suggests that age should carry less weight in admission decisions and that countries and/or higher education institutions should carefully consider how their admission system affects student incentives and how applicants are selected

    Long-run effects of local government mergers on educational attainment and income

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    Local government mergers are an important policy issue in many countries, yet empirical evidence of the effects of merging and of local government size on the production and quality of local public services is scarce. We use the spatial and temporal variation in forced mergers between cities and their surrounding local governments in Norway to provide quasi-experimental evidence of the effect on long-run student outcomes. We find that the mergers increase students’ educational attainment by about 0.1 years and income by about 4%, suggesting that mergers improve long-run student outcomes through increased school productivity

    Long-run effects of local government mergers on educational attainment and income

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    Local government mergers are an important policy issue in many countries, yet empirical evidence of the effects of merging and of local government size on the production and quality of local public services is scarce. We use the spatial and temporal variation in forced mergers between cities and their surrounding local governments in Norway to provide quasi-experimental evidence of the effect on long-run student outcomes. We find that the mergers increase students’ educational attainment by about 0.1 years and income by about 4%, suggesting that mergers improve long-run student outcomes through increased school productivity

    Long-run effects of local government mergers on educational attainment and income

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    Local government mergers are an important policy issue in many countries, yet empirical evidence of the effects of merging and of local government size on the production and quality of local public services is scarce. We use the spatial and temporal variation in forced mergers between cities and their surrounding local governments in Norway to provide quasi-experimental evidence of the effect on long-run student outcomes. We find that the mergers increase students’ educational attainment by about 0.1 years and income by about 4%, suggesting that mergers improve long-run student outcomes through increased school productivity

    Kan tiltak rettet mot selvregulering øke elevers skoleprestasjoner? En systematisk litteraturgjennomgang

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    Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang av studier som evaluerer tiltak rettet mot å utvikle barns selvregulering. Hensikten med rapporten har vært å identifisere hvilke av disse tiltakene som kan ha positiv effekt på skoleprestasjoner og akademiske ferdigheter, med særlig vekt på den svakest presterende gruppen gutter

    Tverrsektorielt samarbeid i skolen : Effekt av NAV-veileder i videregående skole på deltakelse i videregående opplæring og inaktivitet

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    NAV-veileder i videregående skole er en forsøksordning som gjennom tverrsektorielt samarbeid skal bidra til å øke andelen som fullfører videregående opplæring. Formålet med denne rapporten har vært å analysere effekten av dette forsøket på deltakelse i videregående opplæring, og hvorvidt elever som slutter, i større grad fanges opp av NAV eller kommer over i arbeid